During our class this week, we discussed the many way’s in which one can create and alter openly sourced graphics or your own photos. Personally, I have enjoyed using GIMP or Adobe Photoshop in the past, but today I was presented with a new and free way to simply edit pictures. The picture you can see below, was created and altered using PowerPoint. Through PowerPoint, I learned that I am able to crop, add artistic affects to alter the image, and also can add text on top of my image. I was able to simply save this image and add it into my post, which is a skill I can adapt and add to a variety of subjects and presentations. The image that I altered I was able to get openly sourced from Flickr creative commons. Some other options that I explored and played around with include Pixlr X (Photo Editor : Pixlr X – free image editing online) and Vectr (Vectr – Free Online Vector Graphics Editor).