In our class this week, we were introduced to a variety of uses for educational videos, and types of educational videos. As the world keeps expanding digitally, so do our resources as educators. As I’ve been going through this program, I have started to create a collection of notes and resources that I hope to use in my student teaching and also after I graduate. During our class, I was able to add a new source to my list.
The new source that I found is screencasts. During my grade 12 year of math, I often looked at step-by-step tutorials., I thought that this would be a great resource to use and create for students, as well as for other teachers for certain lesson [plans that I create, that may also need a visual demonstration. Below, I have linked to a screencast tutorial that I followed and found useful as a student. My goal is to play around with this and possibly create one to accompany my inquiry projects.